“Remarkable. Inspiring. Ear Candy. Those are just 3 words that hardly scratch the surface in describing what I had the pleasure of witnessing on the night of April 29, 2023. A pure yet raw culmination of swagger and artistic bravado that made the show more than an event, but an experience. At every turn there was something or someone to admire.
“Where did he get those pants from?”, “How did she create this insightful masterpiece?”, “Who the hell taught him to play the sax that well?”
Those are just some of many questions that bloomed in my head from the seeds of authentic mastery of artistic expression.
Many of the artists throughout the show expressed words of encouragement and motivation whether it be through their lyrics or directly in between songs. I very much appreciated the little details of how these songs came to be as it gave me more an understanding of who they are as creatives; stories that showed me who they were and what they represent in the present day. As well as performances of unreleased material that make me excited for their future.
The audience was incredibly receptive, supportive and had an infectious energy that I couldn’t resist giving into. Also, shoutout to that host! She was dope.
All in all, as someone who doesn’t go out very much, this was an eye-opening experience of just how much I’ve been missing out on and I look forward to future projects.”
all photos by Bri Lensation